quantum medicine

Quantum medicine is a cutting-edge approach to healing that integrates the principles of quantum physics with holistic medicine.

In quantum physics, everything in the universe, including the human body, is made up of energy and vibrations. When someone is sick or stressed, the body’s natural energy fields can become imbalanced. Quantum medicine uses special devices that detect these imbalances by measuring the body’s energy frequencies.

Once the imbalances are identified, integrating holistic and naturopathic practices like nutrition, detoxification, stress management, and emotional healing, creates a very effective protocol that focuses on the whole person rather than just isolated symptoms.

My Approach

My multi-faceted approach to health integrates various modalities such as quantum medicine, traditional naturopathy, homeopathy, and traditional Chinese medicine to provide deep, holistic healing.

By addressing the emotional, mental, and physical aspects of well-being, this comprehensive method restores balance at every level, promoting long-lasting vitality and a more profound sense of wellness.


The sun (Sol) and the moon (Luna) represent opposites but also a perfect harmony—day and night, masculine and feminine energies, light and dark. In the same way, I incorporate both the traditional and the modern in my approach to healing.

My work aligns with both the ancient practices that honor the natural rhythms of the body and the universe, as well as the technological advancements that allow us to heal faster.

Through Sol y Luna Wellness, I aim to help others find that balance within themselves, to bring both the light of clarity and the calm of reflection into their healing journeys. It’s about blending the wisdom of the ages with the emerging possibilities of quantum health to create whole-person wellness.

What Clients Can Expect

  • "Wow, I've never had so much attention!"

  • Patient-first care puts the overall wellbeing of the patient first

  • Root cause discovery and holistic assessment, allowing for comprehensive testing and an increased emphasis on prevention

  • The client experiences comfort and relief knowing concerns are being heard and all factors are being considered

with sol y luna wellness

  • "That went so fast, I didn't even get to bring up..."

  • Treatment is standardized, and not catered to the individual

  • Diagnosis and treatment are often surface-level and symptom-focused, with generalized basic testing and screening and limited emphasis on prevention

  • Appointments are often rushed, with the patient often feeling unheard and misunderstood

with conventional medicine